
Detecting your Swagger UI version

At times, you’re going to need to know which version of Swagger UI you use.

The first step would be to detect which major version you currently use, as the method of detecting the version has changed. If your Swagger UI has been heavily modified and you cannot detect from the look and feel which major version you use, you’d have to try both methods to get the exact version.

To help you visually detect which version you’re using, we’ve included supporting images.

Swagger UI 3.x

Swagger UI 3

Some distinct identifiers to Swagger UI 3.x:

If you’ve determined this is the version you have, to find the exact version:

Note: This functionality was added in 3.0.8. If you’re unable to execute it, you’re likely to use an older version, and in that case the first step would be to upgrade.

Swagger UI 2.x and under

Swagger UI 2

Some distinct identifiers to Swagger UI 3.x:

If you’ve determined this is the version you have, to find the exact version:

 * swagger-ui - Swagger UI is a dependency-free collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API
 * @version v2.2.9
 * @link http://swagger.io
 * @license Apache-2.0